- Publisher: paTch Etc. Inc.
- Editor: Sandra Scofield & Rick LePage
- Available in: Paperback / E-Book
Discovering Her Future
When Lisa felt the safety of a man who loved her unconditionally, she began to untangle her mind’s complicated web.
While struggling to overcome the trauma of her past, she dealt with the challenges of a blended family—raising three children while remodeling a home in the country with three dogs, three cats, three horses and three goats. At the same time, she built a business with her husband.
She conquered her fears, and traveled to new places outside the comfort of her working-class beginnings. Lisa finally returned to her piano and rediscovered music, broke her silence, and began to sing.
Limited First Edition: Special Pricing
Paperback – $2.95 each + $3.99 shipping
4 Book Series – $9.95 + $3.99 shipping
E-book – $3.95
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