- Publisher: paTch Etc. Inc.
- Editor: Scofield / LePage
- Available in: Paperback / E-Book
From Toddler to Teen
Lisa grew up with five siblings in an overcrowded two-bedroom home in a working-class neighborhood during the fifties and sixties. Ten-year-olds skipping school, drinking, smoking, stealing, and young girls finding boys are only part of Lisa’s story.
She pursued her love of classical music and dance on her own, shutting out the family chaos as she sat at the kitchen table playing her silent music on a cardboard piano keyboard, and could only share her secret life with her dog, Ginger.
The determined young girl saved her hard-earned money to buy a piano. After squeezing her five hundred pound instrument into her family’s tiny living room, Lisa struggled to continue playing her piano when her music could be heard.
Limited First Edition: Special Pricing
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